International Network
Access Copyright is a member of the International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organizations (IFRRO).
With the co-operation of national reproduction rights organizations (RROs) around the world, IFRRO facilitates the collective management of the reproduction of copyright protected works.
Our reciprocal agreements with other copyright collectives across the globe have created a network of international licences, which means our affiliates (writers, visual artists and publishers) receive royalties when their works are copied, whether it be in Canada or around the world. Any royalties attributed to Canadian creators and publishers for works copied in other countries (with whom we have agreements) are forwarded to Canadian writers, visual artists and publishers via Access Copyright.
To date, Access Copyright has entered into reciprocal agreements with the following RROs:
Argentina: |
Centre de Administracion de Derechos Reprograficos, Asociacion Civil (CADRA) |
Australia: |
Barbados: |
Belgium: |
Denmark: |
Finland: |
France: |
Germany: |
Greece: |
Hong Kong: |
Iceland: |
Ireland: |
Italy: |
Jamaica: |
Japan: |
Mexico: |
Netherlands: |
New Zealand: |
Nigeria: |
Reproduction Right Society of Nigeria (REPRONIG) |
Norway: |
Province of Quebec: |
Société québécoise de gestion collective des droits de reproduction (COPIBEC) |
Russia: |
Singapore: |
The Copyright Licensing and Administration Society of Singapore Limited (CLASS) |
South Africa: |
Spain: |
Switzerland & Liechtenstein: |
Trinidad and Tobago: |
United Kingdom: |
United States: |
To date, Access Copyright has entered into reciprocal agreements that include digital copying with the following RROs:
Australia: |
Denmark: |
Copy-Dan (education sector only) |
New Zealand: |
Copyright Licensing New Zealand (CLNZ) (education sector only) |
Province of Quebec: |
Société québécoise de gestion collective des droits de reproduction (COPIBEC) |
South Africa: |
Spain: |
Switzerland & Liechtenstein: |
United Kingdom: |
United Kingdom: |
NLA media access (education sector only) |
United States: |