
Access Copyright’s Board of Directors is composed of 10 elected directors as well as the organization’s  President & CEO, upon approval by the Board.

Board Directors bring diverse perspective and experience, spanning the worlds of writing, visual arts, publishing, technology, start-ups, blockchain, academia, business and education.

When there are vacancies on the Board, an elected Nominating Committee works to recruit new directors who agree to stand for election at the AGM. The Committee includes two creator and publisher representatives as well as two current members of the Board. Access Copyright’s CEO also serves on the Committee in a non-voting capacity.

Ensuring open channels of communications between the Board and the Access Copyright membership is a top priority.

The Board and membership connect directly through:

  • Our Annual General Meeting, where the Board and delegates from each of our member organizations meet in-person.
  • Regularly scheduled Member Organization conference calls open to the executive directors of all member organizations. Representatives from the Board and Access Copyright participate and share updates on Access Copyright’s primary areas of business.
  • A Board liaison whom member organizations can contact directly with questions and concerns from their membership.

2024 Board of Directors

Mark Lovewell
Arjun Basu
Lara Caplan
Diane Davy
Neil Harris
Sonya Lalli
Marcia Lea
Linda D. McCollum
Eric Enno Tamm
Cara Yarzab
Kate Edwards, CEO, Access Copyright