Details about affiliation, the repertoire payment, and other royalties and services for publishers.

Publisher Repertoire Payment

Access Copyright is now accepting claims for the 2024 Publisher Repertoire payment until August 31.

Please log in to the publisher portal to make your claim.

Forgot your password? You can reset your password through the publisher portal.

Once you are logged in, select the "Add a Repertoire Claim" option to make your claim by reporting your 2022 fiscal year revenue.

All publishers affiliated with Access Copyright as of December 31, 2023 are eligible to submit a claim for this year’s payment. Eligible affiliates who complete a claim by August 31 will receive their payment portion in December.

This year’s payment will be based on publishing revenue reported to us for the 2022 fiscal year. Learn more details about the annual Publisher Repertoire payment.

If you have questions about this year’s Publisher Repertoire payment, please refer to our FAQs or contact

Still receiving royalties from us by cheque?

Please consider signing up for direct deposit so that your royalties can be deposited straight into your bank account and you can save a trip to the bank.