Good reads: CanLit wishes, can online content go long, director's cut books

Monday, August 18, 2014

Here are a couple of good reads from the past month or so that you may have missed.

CanLit Hopes and Dreams: Esi Edugyan outlines her hopes and dreams for CanLit’s bright future in this piece from the Toronto Star piece written in commemoration of Canada Day. Read it here.

Long Content Can Work Online: Debunking the widespread belief that short and sweet is the only way to go for online content is this piece written by tech journalist Matthew Ingram that highlights some interesting data from viral-content curator Upworthy. Read the whole piece here.

We Have Director’s Cuts of Movies, Why Not Books?: A piece published in the New Statesmen out of the UK argues that there may be a market for director’s cuts of books offering such things as alternate endings, discarded drafts and sections that had to be excised during the editing process. Check out the whole piece here to see if you agree.