Access for Copyshops
View our list of licensed copyshop locations
Access Copyright is pleased to offer Access for Copyshops to businesses and organizations that provide copyshop services.
Access for Copyshops provides pre-cleared permission to copy with a simple-to-administer fee structure for non-coursepack copying, a consistent per-page royalty rate for coursepack copying, and coverage for digital delivery of paper coursepack files to customers for quality assurance purposes.
Under an Access for Copyshops licence agreement, copyshops are pre-authorized to copy up to 10% from a single publication for general non-coursepack uses, and up to 20% of a covered title for inclusion in a paper coursepack.
To learn more about Access for Copyshops, please contact us by phone (416-868-1620, or toll-free at 1-800-893-5777) or email.