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Access for Business

Access for Business, specifically crafted for our corporate and business customers, provides convenience, value and choice along with appropriate rewards for the creators and publishers whose works are valued and used everyday.

Through Access for Business, enjoy convenient, organization-wide pre-clearance for copying up to 20% of individual publications in Access Copyright’s broad repertoire of domestic and foreign titles.

The licence permits paper and digital copying for internal purposes as well as other uses such as sharing copies with other Access Copyright licensees, transmitting copies as part of a regulatory process, or providing a single copy upon request from someone in connection with your products or services. Access for Business also facilitates external, pay-per-use distribution for both print and digital copying to others not affiliated with your organization.

Who is licensed? Check out this gallery of some of the Canadian businesses and organizations licensed under Access for Business.

Interested in the Access for Business licence?

Contact us today at